Friday, September 11, 2009

I love you.

I love, love. So I'm a hopeless romantic. Not the kind that cries in the movie when the couple you thought would never be together kisses. No, that's not me, I usually giggle at that point. I'm a hopeless romantic in the sense I'm a match maker. I love it when people get, engaged, get together....I just love it. I love, love basically. I also love when people show their love. Like helping people out or just being plain old kind and considerate. Like that song we used to sing when I was little. "Be kind and considerate, love one another..." and I can't remember the rest. Anywho, like I've stated about seventeen times. I love, love. :) So I'm doing a love challenge. For the rest of the month, I'm posting everyday something about love. Either something I drew, painted, learned, a quote, a story.... Please don't think me an idiot. :) I just love, love. Hehe. :)

And this post is pink, cause I think if love had a color, it would decide to be pink. Cause pink is..."lovely." hehe.


  1. Wow, this is a FANTASTIC idea lovey!! :) Great! I can't wait! thanks for doin this!!

  2. Oooh! Yes pink is a lovely color! I love it! ;) And you know what else? I love you doll! :-)
