Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cowboy Love

So after we got home from the Cowboy's game, my little brother, John, would go around telling everyone he was gonna play football for the Cowboys. Ha. He says he "loves" Cowboys.

Most people do have their sports team they love, I love the Cowboys, I don't know everything about football, but I still love the Cowboys. I know a lot of diehard Cowboys fans, Longhorn fans, Aggie's fans, OU fans, Gator get the point. My youth pastor is DIE HARD OU. If you insult his Sooner's he will kick your butt. He named his dog Sooner. So obviously, he has a love.

I was thinking, what if we were that way about God, what if we were die hard Christians? What if we kicked butt everytime some one insulted our God? What if we were that die hard for God? what if we got out and tried convincing everyone that our God was the best? Our go was way better than their way? I think it could change a lot. I think it would blow some one away
if we were that sold out for God.

So my dear people, I'm not telling you to give up your beloved football. I'm watching the Cowboys score away as I type. Just, love God, as much as we love our football.
Go #9. ;)

Luke 10:27 
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself."


  1. Wow Amanda! That's really good! That's a convicting thing to think about! Thanks for the challenge. ;) Because you're right, our God is AWESOME!!! :-)

  2. So true Amanda! We should all challenge ourselves with talk about God as much as we do our sports! Thanks for the great post!

  3. Ya know...I've never thought about it that way!
