Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh dear me...

Sooo...when I was younger I was quite the manipulative, evil genuis..I found something while cleaning that I did that I am quite proud of now...ok...go back several years ago, it was the first year my sister was going to a class with me at one of the conferences we go to, and I was not happy... I wanted to look cool without my little sister there. (Smash that idea, no one looked cool there except for the occassional 11 year old that got to wear make up and she didn't wear tennis shoes with her khaki skirt that did NOT have her shirt tucked in) Well, before going I forced my poor little sister to sign a contract and it said in my scribbly writing and her shaky signitures everywhere...

"I 'Rebekah Hall' vow to walk ten steps behind my cool older sister Amanda at all times during the conference. "I 'RH' will not talk when she is talking, I will not embarass her and will give her all my snacks. I 'Rebekah' WILL NOT get her in trouble and will not tell when she does something bad that the teacher does not like. I 'Rebekah' will not talk to her friends (Or my lack thereof) or even talk to her. When people ask if we are related I will deny everything...signed:'Rebekah Hall' "

WOW! I was so mean! Haha, but it did crack em up when I read it. I showed it to poor Beka and she said..."I never did like you, and I walked five steps behind you not ten."

I like manipulative minds...I was so cool. :)

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