Wednesday, July 14, 2010


n. pl. he·roes
A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life

Three people became heroes July 5th.
Three heroes acted that day.
Three heroes cared.
Three heroes acted.
Three heroes saved a life.

A man died that day. he died a hero. 
My sister said, " I guess heaven needed another hero."
Mr Richard was a second father to my two older sisters and I.
His daughter, like a sister. 
His family like my family.
We called him R Diddy. :)
We all had insider jokes.  
We were all tight like that. :)

Mr Richard was a man to be respected.
Small in stature. But a giant in spirit.
He was a spiritual giant. He loved.
He cared.
That day, he took action.
He gave his life.

There's "R Diddy" One of the greatest men I've ever known.